diff --git a/.config/fish/config.fish b/.config/fish/config.fish index f5f7172..e441d0e 100644 --- a/.config/fish/config.fish +++ b/.config/fish/config.fish @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ set -gx PATH $PATH $GOBIN \ $HOME/.pub-cache/bin \ $HOME/Documents/scripts \ $HOME/Documents/flutter/bin \ - $HOME/.cargo/bin + $HOME/.cargo/bin \ + $HOME/.rbenv/versions/2.7.0/bin set -g fish_escape_delay_ms 10 diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc index 29132da..043c141 100644 --- a/.vimrc +++ b/.vimrc @@ -35,13 +35,19 @@ else let &t_EI = "\]50;CursorShape=0\x7" endif +nnoremap :FZF + let mapleader = 'j' inoremap j let mapleader = ',' nnoremap n :NERDTree nnoremap w -nnoremap :FZF +nnoremap p :FZF +nnoremap g :ALEGoToDefinition +nnoremap r :ALEFindReferences +nnoremap d :ALEDetail +nnoremap h :ALEHover " next line is necessary to prevent background rendering bug with kitty term let &t_ut='' diff --git a/.yabairc b/.yabairc index d5172e8..03a92b8 100755 --- a/.yabairc +++ b/.yabairc @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ yabai -m config status_bar_clock_icon  yabai -m config mouse_follows_focus on yabai -m config focus_follows_mouse off yabai -m config window_placement second_child -yabai -m config window_topmost off +yabai -m config window_topmost on yabai -m config window_opacity off yabai -m config window_opacity_duration 0.0 yabai -m config window_shadow on