Switch to Kanagawa theme

This commit is contained in:
mitchell 2024-07-03 00:23:48 -04:00
parent db048db3c0
commit e801f0a680
7 changed files with 80 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ bspc config split_ratio 0.52
bspc config borderless_monocle false
bspc config gapless_monocle false
bspc config focused_border_color '#92971a'
bspc config focused_border_color '#CBC093'
bspc rule -a 'firefox:*:Picture-in-Picture' sticky=on
bspc rule -a 'origin.exe:*' state=floating

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
" Allows you to use // in order to search for the visually selected text
vnoremap // y/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>
colorscheme gruvbox
colorscheme kanagawa
let g:neovide_scale_factor = 0.7

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ plug("ggandor/leap.nvim")
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ vim.opt.guifont = { "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font", "h13" }
vim.g.coq_settings = { auto_start = true }
transparent_mode = true,
transparent = true,

View File

@ -17,15 +17,14 @@
;background = ${xrdb:color0:#222}
background = #282828
background-alt = #3c3836
;foreground = ${xrdb:color7:#222}
foreground = #ebdbb2
foreground-alt = #fbf1c7
primary = #98971a
secondary = #458588
alert = #cc241d
background = #1F1F28
background-alt = #2A2A37
foreground = #DCD7BA
foreground-alt = #CBC093
primary = #7E9CD8
secondary = #76946A
alert = #C34043
orange = #FF9E64
;monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-1}
@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ interval = 25
mount-0 = /
label-mounted = %{F#458588}%mountpoint%%{F-}: %percentage_used%%
label-mounted = %{F#CBC093}%mountpoint%%{F-}: %percentage_used%%
label-mounted-underline = ${colors.primary}
label-unmounted = %mountpoint% not mounted
label-unmounted-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
add_newline = false
palette = 'gruvbox_dark'
palette = 'kanagawa'
fg = '#ebdbb2'
bg = '#282828'
gray = '#a89984'
blue = '#458588'
aqua = '#689d6a'
green = '#98971a'
orange = '#d65d0e'
purple = '#b16286'
red = '#cc241d'
yellow = '#d79921'
bg = '#1f1f28'
fg = '#dcd7ba'
black = '#090618'
red = '#c34043'
green = '#76946a'
yellow = '#c0a36e'
blue = '#7e9cd8'
magenta = '#957fb8'
cyan = '#6a9589'
white = '#c8c093'
symbol = ""
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ symbol = " "
read_only = " 󰌾"
style = "bold blue"
symbol = " "

View File

@ -6,7 +6,26 @@ local is_darwin = function()
return wezterm.target_triple:find("darwin") ~= nil
config.color_scheme = "GruvboxDark"
config.force_reverse_video_cursor = true
config.colors = {
foreground = "#dcd7ba",
background = "#1f1f28",
cursor_bg = "#c8c093",
cursor_fg = "#c8c093",
cursor_border = "#c8c093",
selection_fg = "#c8c093",
selection_bg = "#2d4f67",
scrollbar_thumb = "#16161d",
split = "#16161d",
ansi = { "#090618", "#c34043", "#76946a", "#c0a36e", "#7e9cd8", "#957fb8", "#6a9589", "#c8c093" },
brights = { "#727169", "#e82424", "#98bb6c", "#e6c384", "#7fb4ca", "#938aa9", "#7aa89f", "#dcd7ba" },
indexed = { [16] = "#ffa066", [17] = "#ff5d62" },
config.window_background_opacity = is_darwin() and 0.8 or 0.5
config.window_decorations = "RESIZE"

View File

@ -1,38 +1,35 @@
set -U fish_color_autosuggestion a89984
set -U fish_color_cancel --reverse
set -U fish_color_command 98971a
set -U fish_color_comment a89984
set -U fish_color_cwd green
set -U fish_color_cwd_root red
set -U fish_color_end b16286
set -U fish_color_error cc241d
set -U fish_color_escape 458588
set -U fish_color_history_current --bold
set -U fish_color_host normal
set -U fish_color_host_remote
set -U fish_color_keyword
set -U fish_color_match 458588
set -U fish_color_normal normal
set -U fish_color_operator 458588
set -U fish_color_option
set -U fish_color_param ebdbb2
set -U fish_color_quote a89984
set -U fish_color_redirection 689d6a
set -U fish_color_search_match 'bryellow' '--background=brblack'
set -U fish_color_selection 'white' '--bold' '--background=brblack'
set -U fish_color_user brgreen
set -U fish_color_valid_path --underline
set -l foreground DCD7BA normal
set -l selection 2D4F67 brcyan
set -l comment 727169 brblack
set -l red C34043 red
set -l orange FF9E64 brred
set -l yellow C0A36E yellow
set -l green 76946A green
set -l purple 957FB8 magenta
set -l cyan 7AA89F cyan
set -l pink D27E99 brmagenta
# Syntax Highlighting Colors
set -U fish_color_normal $foreground
set -U fish_color_command $cyan
set -U fish_color_keyword $pink
set -U fish_color_quote $yellow
set -U fish_color_redirection $foreground
set -U fish_color_end $orange
set -U fish_color_error $red
set -U fish_color_param $purple
set -U fish_color_comment $comment
set -U fish_color_selection --background=$selection
set -U fish_color_search_match --background=$selection
set -U fish_color_operator $green
set -U fish_color_escape $pink
set -U fish_color_autosuggestion $comment
# Completion Pager Colors
set -U fish_pager_color_progress $comment
set -U fish_pager_color_prefix $cyan
set -U fish_pager_color_completion $foreground
set -U fish_pager_color_description $comment
# Vi key bindings
set -U fish_key_bindings fish_vi_key_bindings
set -U fish_pager_color_background
set -U fish_pager_color_completion normal
set -U fish_pager_color_description a89984
set -U fish_pager_color_prefix 'normal' '--bold' '--underline'
set -U fish_pager_color_progress 'brwhite' '--background=cyan'
set -U fish_pager_color_secondary_background
set -U fish_pager_color_secondary_completion
set -U fish_pager_color_secondary_description
set -U fish_pager_color_secondary_prefix
set -U fish_pager_color_selected_background --background=brblack
set -U fish_pager_color_selected_completion
set -U fish_pager_color_selected_description
set -U fish_pager_color_selected_prefix