#!/usr/bin/env -S fish --private set general_help ' A collection of useful functions for this project. Either run a function like ./swim.fish [arg [arg [...]] or source the file and run them as commands: $ source ./swim.fish $ lint [args] Run ./swim help to see it\'s definition. ' # Configuration set src_fish_files \ ./install_arch \ ./provision_linux \ ./sync \ ./upgrade_debian \ ./**.fish \ ./.**.fish # Commands function lint -d 'Lint fish scripts' fish --no-execute $src_fish_files end function format -d 'Format fish scripts' fish_indent --write $src_fish_files end # --- execution/help handling --- function help -a function_name -d 'Displays help for internal function' if test -n "$function_name" functions $function_name else echo $general_help end end argparse --ignore-unknown h/help -- $argv if test -n "$_flag_h" help $argv else if test -n "$argv" $argv else echo $general_help end