set -gx EDITOR nvim set -gx GOPATH $HOME/code/go set -gx GOBIN $GOPATH/bin set -gx DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT Development set -gx DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT true set -gx DOTNET_ROOT $HOME/.asdf/installs/dotnet-core/(command -sq dotnet; and dotnet --version) set -gx PATH $PATH $GOBIN \ /snap/bin \ $HOME/bin \ $HOME/.pub-cache/bin \ $HOME/code/scripts \ $HOME/code/flutter/bin \ $HOME/.cargo/bin \ $HOME/.dotnet/tools set -gx UNAME (uname) command -sq kitty; and kitty + complete setup fish | source switch "$UNAME" case 'Linux' test -e ~/.asdf/; and source ~/.asdf/ case 'Darwin' test -e (brew --prefix asdf)/; and source (brew --prefix asdf)/ end # The next line updates PATH for the Google Cloud SDK. # if test -f '/Users/m/Documents/google-cloud-sdk/'; source '/Users/m/Documents/google-cloud-sdk/'; end # aliases function cp; rsync -aP $argv; end function dm; docker-machine $argv; end function dm-env; eval (docker-machine env $argv); end function v; nvim (fzf); end function vg; vagrant $argv; end function cat switch "$UNAME" case 'Linux' batcat --theme ansi-dark $argv case 'Darwin' bat --theme ansi-dark $argv end end function goland switch "$UNAME" case 'Linux' command goland $argv case 'Darwin' open -a Goland $argv end end function rider switch "$UNAME" case 'Linux' command rider $argv case 'Darwin' open -a Rider $argv end end function webstorm switch "$UNAME" case 'Linux' command webstorm $argv case 'Darwin' open -a Webstorm $argv end end