##!/usr/bin/env fish # Uncomment this line and the last 2 lines of this file to enable running it like `./swim.fish`. # # This swim.fish script serves as a central place to store frequently run commands for this project. # Replace Commands section with your own command functions. # Source: https://github.com/mitchell/swim.fish # Configuration set -g cmd_func_prefix 'swim' # Set the function prefix for defining tasks set -g fish_files \ ./install_arch \ ./provision_linux \ ./sync \ ./upgrade_debian \ ./**.fish \ ./.**.fish # Commands function swim_lint -d 'Lint fish scripts' fish --no-execute $fish_files end function swim_format -d 'Format fish scripts' fish_indent --write $fish_files end function swim_sync -d 'Run the sync script' ./sync end function swim_install_arch -d 'Run the install_arch script' ./install_arch end function swim_provision_linux -a distro -d 'Run the provision_linux script with the specified distro' if test -n "$distro" set -g distro $distro end ./provision_linux $argv[2..-1] end #curl -fsS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchell/swim.fish/master/importable_sw.fish | source #run_swim_command 'swim' $argv