function define_aliases -a uname -d 'Defines aliases for commonly used commands' alias rcp 'rsync -aP' alias dm 'docker-machine' alias v 'nvim +FZF' alias vg 'vagrant' alias tf 'terraform' alias tocb 'xclip -in -selection clipboard' alias fromcb 'xclip -out -selection clipboard' alias ssh-rm 'ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -R' alias wiki 'nvim +VimwikiIndex' alias age-p 'age --armor --passphrase' alias age-d 'age --decrypt --identity ~/.secrets/id_ed25519' alias age-e 'age --armor --recipient (cat ~/.secrets/' alias age-k 'age --decrypt --identity ~/.secrets/id_ed25519 ~/.secrets/age_keys.age' switch "$uname" case 'Linux' alias goland 'command goland' alias rider 'command rider' alias webstorm 'command webstorm' alias sctl 'sudo systemctl' alias uctl 'systemctl --user' alias bctl 'bluetoothctl' case 'Darwin' alias goland 'open -a Goland' alias rider 'open -a Rider' alias webstorm 'open -a Webstorm' alias get 'brew install' alias getu 'brew upgrade' alias gets 'brew search' alias getr 'brew uninstall' end # Linux distro specific aliases below set -l distro for line in (cat /etc/os-release) set -l items (string split --max 1 '=' $line) if test $items[1] = 'ID' set distro $items[2] end end switch "$distro" case 'arch' alias get 'pikaur -S' alias getu 'pikaur -Syu' alias gets 'pikaur' alias getr 'pikaur -Rsu' case 'debian' alias get 'sudo apt update; and sudo apt install' alias getu 'sudo apt update; and sudo apt upgrade; and sudo apt autoremove; and sudo apt autoclean' alias gets 'sudo apt update; and apt search' function getr -d 'Alias for apt uninstall and autoremove' sudo apt purge $argv; and sudo apt autoremove end end end