function btre -a device -d 'Reconnect to a known bluetooth device' set -l devices CC:98:8B:3E:6B:9D 00:1B:66:E3:07:3A set -l index 1 switch device case sony set index 1 return case senn set index 2 return case '*' test -n "$device"; and set index $device end bluetoothctl power on and bluetoothctl remove $devices[$index] echo \n"--- Press enter to continue ---"\n bluetoothctl scan on & read -P '' bluetoothctl pair $devices[$index] or return $status read -p 'echo \n"--- Press enter to continue ---"\n' bluetoothctl trust $devices[$index] and bluetoothctl connect $devices[$index] or return $status read -p 'echo \n"--- Press enter to continue ---"\n' kill %1 end