package lambdarouter import ( "errors" "log" "net/http" "testing" "" . "" ) func TestRouterSpec(t *testing.T) { Convey("Given an instantiated router", t, func() { request := events.APIGatewayProxyRequest{} rtr := NewAPIGRouter(&request, "shipping") Convey("When the handler func does NOT return an error", func() { hdlrfunc := func(req *APIGRequest, res *APIGResponse) { log.Printf("claims: %+v", req.Claims) res.Status = http.StatusOK res.Body = []byte("hello") res.Err = nil } Convey("And a Get handler expecting the pattern /orders/filter/by_user/{id} is defined", func() { rtr.Get("/orders/filter/by_user/{id}", hdlrfunc) rtr.Post("/orders", func(req *APIGRequest, res *APIGResponse) {}) rtr.Put("/orders", func(req *APIGRequest, res *APIGResponse) {}) rtr.Patch("/orders", func(req *APIGRequest, res *APIGResponse) {}) rtr.Delete("/orders/{id}", func(req *APIGRequest, res *APIGResponse) {}) Convey("And the request matches the pattern and the path params are filled", func() { request.HTTPMethod = http.MethodGet request.Path = "/shipping/orders/filter/by_user/4d50ff90-66e3-4047-bf37-0ca25837e41d" request.PathParameters = map[string]string{ "id": "4d50ff90-66e3-4047-bf37-0ca25837e41d", } request.RequestContext.Authorizer = map[string]interface{}{ "claims": map[string]interface{}{ "cognito:username": "mitchell", }, } Convey("The router will return the expected status and body", func() { response := rtr.Respond() So(response.StatusCode, ShouldEqual, http.StatusOK) So(response.Body, ShouldEqual, "hello") }) }) Convey("And the request does NOT match the pattern", func() { request.HTTPMethod = http.MethodGet request.Path = "/orders/filter" Convey("The router will return and error body and a not found status", func() { response := rtr.Respond() So(response.StatusCode, ShouldEqual, http.StatusNotFound) So(response.Body, ShouldEqual, "{\"error\":\"no route matching path found\"}") }) }) Convey("And a Get handler expecting the pattern /orders/filter/by_user/{id} is defined AGAIN", func() { So(func() { rtr.Get("/orders/filter/by_user/{id}", hdlrfunc) }, ShouldPanicWith, "endpoint already existent") }) }) }) Convey("When the handler func does return a record not found", func() { hdlrfunc := func(req *APIGRequest, res *APIGResponse) { res.Status = http.StatusBadRequest res.Body = []byte("hello") res.Err = errors.New("record not found") } Convey("And a Get handler expecting the pattern /orders/filter/by_user/{id} is defined", func() { rtr.Get("/orders/filter/by_user/{id}", hdlrfunc) Convey("And the request matches the pattern and the path params are filled", func() { request.HTTPMethod = http.MethodGet request.Path = "/shipping/orders/filter/by_user/4d50ff90-66e3-4047-bf37-0ca25837e41d" request.PathParameters = map[string]string{ "id": "4d50ff90-66e3-4047-bf37-0ca25837e41d", } Convey("The router will return the expected status and body", func() { response := rtr.Respond() So(response.StatusCode, ShouldEqual, http.StatusNoContent) So(response.Body, ShouldEqual, "{\"error\":\"record not found\"}") }) }) }) }) Convey("When the handler func does return a status < 400", func() { hdlrfunc := func(req *APIGRequest, res *APIGResponse) { res.Status = http.StatusOK res.Body = []byte("hello") res.Err = errors.New("bad request") } Convey("And a Get handler expecting the pattern /orders/filter/by_user/{id} is defined", func() { rtr.Get("/orders/filter/by_user/{id}", hdlrfunc) Convey("And the request matches the pattern and the path params are filled", func() { request.HTTPMethod = http.MethodGet request.Path = "/shipping/orders/filter/by_user/4d50ff90-66e3-4047-bf37-0ca25837e41d" request.PathParameters = map[string]string{ "id": "4d50ff90-66e3-4047-bf37-0ca25837e41d", } Convey("The router will return the expected status and body", func() { response := rtr.Respond() So(response.StatusCode, ShouldEqual, http.StatusBadRequest) So(response.Body, ShouldEqual, "{\"error\":\"bad request\"}") }) }) }) }) }) }