package commands import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "strings" "" "" credrepos "" credtypes "" "" "" ) // Execute is the main entrypoint for the `sp` CLI tool. func Execute() { rootCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "sp", Run: runPromptMode, Short: "This is the CLI client for Selfpass.", Long: `This is the CLI client for Selfpass, the self-hosted password manager. With this tool you can interact with the entire Selfpass API. When run without a command specified sp enters prompt mode. All commands and flags are the same, but your master pass only need be entered once until you exit the prompt.`, Version: "v0.1.0", } cfgFile := rootCmd.PersistentFlags().String("config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.sp.toml)") mgr := repositories.NewConfigManager(cfgFile) clientInit := credrepos.NewCredentialsClient rootCmd.AddCommand( makeInit(mgr), makeEncrypt(mgr), makeDecrypt(mgr), makeDecryptCfg(mgr), makeList(makeInitClient(mgr, clientInit)), makeCreate(mgr, makeInitClient(mgr, clientInit)), makeUpdate(mgr, makeInitClient(mgr, clientInit)), makeGet(mgr, makeInitClient(mgr, clientInit)), makeDelete(makeInitClient(mgr, clientInit)), makeGCMToCBC(mgr, makeInitClient(mgr, clientInit)), ) check(rootCmd.Execute()) } func runPromptMode(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) { ss := []prompt.Suggest{ {Text: "exit", Description: "Exit selfpass prompt"}, } for _, subcmd := range cmd.Commands() { if subcmd.Hidden { continue } ss = append(ss, prompt.Suggest{ Text: subcmd.Name(), Description: subcmd.Short, }) } completer := func(d prompt.Document) []prompt.Suggest { return prompt.FilterHasPrefix(ss, d.TextBeforeCursor(), true) } checkPromptMode = true executor := func(argstr string) { args := strings.Split(argstr, " ") if len(args) > 0 && args[0] == "exit" { fmt.Print("Goodbye!\n\n") os.Exit(0) } defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err, "\n\n") } }() cmd.SetArgs(args) cmd.Execute() fmt.Println() } p := prompt.New( executor, completer, prompt.OptionPrefix("-> "), prompt.OptionPrefixTextColor(prompt.Green), prompt.OptionInputTextColor(prompt.LightGray), prompt.OptionSuggestionBGColor(prompt.DarkBlue), prompt.OptionDescriptionBGColor(prompt.Blue), prompt.OptionSelectedSuggestionBGColor(prompt.Blue), prompt.OptionSelectedDescriptionBGColor(prompt.DarkBlue), prompt.OptionScrollbarThumbColor(prompt.LightGray), prompt.OptionScrollbarBGColor(prompt.DarkGray), prompt.OptionPreviewSuggestionTextColor(prompt.Red), ) fmt.Println("\nWelcome to the selfpass prompt.") p.Run() } func makeInitClient(repo types.ConfigRepo, initClient credtypes.CredentialsClientInit) credentialsClientInit { return func(ctx context.Context) credtypes.CredentialsClient { _, cfg, err := repo.OpenConfig() check(err) connConfig := cfg.GetStringMapString(types.KeyConnConfig) client, err := initClient( ctx, connConfig["target"], connConfig["ca"], connConfig["cert"], connConfig["key"], ) check(err) return client } }