##!/usr/bin/env fish # Uncomment this line and the last 2 lines of this file to enable running it like `./swim.fish`. # # This swim.fish script serves as a central place to store frequently run commands for this project. # Replace Commands section with your own command functions. # Source: https://github.com/mitchell/swim.fish # Configuration # These are the currently configurable settings of the sw script. # Both contain their defaults and can be omitted from your swim.fish. set -g cmd_func_prefix 'swim' # Set the function prefix for defining tasks # Commands function swim_default -a arg -d 'Display this help menu' # This command will run in when you simply execute `sw` in this repo. # The default command is set to help by default. # So you can omit this from your swim.fish if you like that behavior. swim_help $arg end function swim_install -d 'Install the sw script to a bin folder' argparse --max-args 0 'p/bin_path=' -- $argv set -l sudo_needed true set -l bin_path /usr/local/bin if test -n "$_flag_p" set sudo_needed false set bin_path $_flag_p else if test -d ~/.local/bin set sudo_needed false set bin_path ~/.local/bin end echo "Installing sw script to $bin_path." set -l cp_cmd cp ./sw $bin_path/ if $sudo_needed sudo $cp_cmd else $cp_cmd end end function swim_lint -d 'Lint fish scripts' fish --no-execute ./sw ./swim.fish end function swim_format -d 'Format fish scripts' fish_indent --write ./sw ./swim.fish end function swim_hello -d 'This is an example of a subgroup of commands' function hello_world -d 'The classic' echo 'Hello, world!' end function hello_name -a name -d 'Say hello to someone specific' echo "Hello, $name!" end function hello_fr -d 'Say bonjour' echo 'Bonjour, le monde!' end alias hello_default='hello_world' run_swim_command 'hello' $argv # this command comes from the sw script end function swim_fails -d 'This command fails every time' false end #curl -fsS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchell/swim.fish/master/functions/sw.fish | source #run_swim_command $cmd_func_prefix $argv