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# mitchell's dotfiles
This mostly exists for my convenient bootstrapping onto new systems. I would generally recommend
drawing from individual applications' configurations as inspiration for your own dotfiles. However,
the included scripts should be generalized enough to work on anybody's machines.
This repo contains my preferred configurations for:
- fish shell
- neovim
- tmux
- git
- kitty terminal
- Jetbrains vim plugin
- keepassxc
- qutebrowser
- bspwm (Linux)
- sxhkd (Linux)
- yabaiwm (macOS)
- skhd (macOS)
## Scripts
### `sync`
- fish
- git
- neovim
- rsync
- curl
Syncs all configuration files found in this repository to your home folder.
To run sync script using curl: `curl | fish`
### `upgrade_debian`
- fish
Upgrade from Debian stable to unstable.
### `provision_debian`
- fish
Provision various environments and tools on Debian. Run `./run help` and peek inside for more